how to get rid of ants in kitchen

Sugar ants are tiny, destructive ant colonies that can ruin food and cause other pest problems like a pest infestation. They are a common pest problem in homes and restaurants, which is why they’re also called food ant colonies or restaurant ant colonies.

Their colonies are usually found around food storage areas, pantries, kitchens, and other food-handling areas. They also nest in crevices and cracks in structures. The ants themselves are small – between 1/20 and 1/50 of an inch long – so you might not notice them as easily as you could if they were larger. Usually, their colonies are very well hidden from view.

How To Identify Sugar Ants

how to get rid of ants in kitchen
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Sugar ants, or “white ants,” are nocturnal insect species that are attracted to food sources containing sugars and starches. They are typically found near nectars, such as aphid secretions or honeydew. These ants are easily identifiable by the white color of their bodies and the black ‘feet’ on the front of their bodies. They are also distinguishable from black ants by the longer time they take to become active in the morning and evening.

If you find sugar ants infesting your home, you can use boric acid and borax to control them. Boric acid is a white crystalline powder that smells bitter when dissolved in water. It is highly toxic to many types of insects, including sugar ants. When used properly, boric acid has no effect on humans or animals. Borax is a mineral salt with a strong earthy odor. It is also toxic to many types of insects and can be used safely around pets and children without worry. It works by disrupting the ant’s nervous system, causing it to die quickly after exposure. Additionally, if further assistance is needed, contact a pest control agency for expert guidance.

Common Places to Find Sugar Ants

Sugar ants are a common pest in the kitchen and pantry. They are small, black, or light yellowish-brown in color, and can be found foraging for sweet substances at night, such as syrup and honey. They may be active at any time of the day but are most likely to be seen during the evening hours.

Sugar ants are very picky when it comes to food sources, so they have difficulty surviving if food is unavailable. These ants are primarily attracted to sugar and other sweet substances, which makes them more likely to infest kitchens and pantries with these types of food.

To prevent sugar ants from entering the home, seal all entry points in the kitchen and pantry with insecticide spray or bait traps. The best way to control sugar ants is by taking steps to prevent them from accessing food sources, such as ensuring there is no food or water source within their reach. Additionally, keeping the edges of countertops clean and using insecticide spray or bait traps will help control sugar ants in the home.

A healthy kitchen environment can help prevent the infestation of these ants. It should be kept clean and well-organized, with no food crumbs or spilled liquids present. Also, regular pest control measures should be taken to prevent an infestation from taking hold.

DIY Methods for Getting Rid of Sugar Ants

A baiting system is one of the most effective DIY methods for getting rid of sugar ants. You can use this approach to attract the ants with food and then seal the bait in a container so that the ants cannot access it.

The other option is to make a diluted solution of dishwashing soap and water and place it where the ants are frequenting. This should be done frequently to prevent the ants from developing a taste for the bait.

Another way to get rid of sugar ants is by applying insecticide specifically designed for ant elimination. When choosing an insecticide, make sure that it is specifically designed for sugar ants.

Last but not least, you can use a fogger to pump air into a fogger and then disperse the fog over areas where the ants are nesting. This will help prevent them from finding food sources and spreading throughout your home

Natural Repellents to Keep Sugar Ants Away

There are many natural ant deterrents that you can use to keep sugar ants away. One of the best deterrents is peppermint oil. In addition, essential oils can also be used to keep ants away. These essential oils work by making the scent of peppermint or citrus strong enough to deter ants. Another ant deterrent is salt. By sprinkling salt around your home, you can prevent ants from accessing food and water sources. Other common ant deterrents include chalk and vinegar, both of which can be used to make a strong acidic scent that is effective at repelling ants.

Another way to keep sugar ants away is by removing pet bowls and food immediately after pets have finished eating. This action prevents ants from infesting the food source and potentially leading to an infestation in your home. Additionally, it’s important to avoid spraying insect repellants on your yard as this could increase the sugar ant problem in your area. Instead, you should focus on taking measures to prevent sugar ants from infesting your home in the first place.

Professional Solutions for Banishing Sugar Ants

Professional pest control agencies can help eliminate sugar ants quickly and effectively. Ant dust, ant-repellent sprays, and ant baits are popular treatments for sugar ants. The dust can be sprinkled along the perimeter of homes or in problem areas to kill sugar ants on contact. The sprays provide a kill-on-contact ant solution but are only a spot treatment. The baits are effective as they cannot be eaten by the ants, which makes them an effective way to prevent infestation. Spinosad and bifenthrin are two popular ant bait products that can be used as they have proven to be highly effective as sugar ants cannot digest solids.


Sugar ants are annoying pests that cause damage to food sources, homes, and gardens. They infest food sources such as fruits, pet food, cereal grains, and sweets. However, there are several easy and DIY solutions you can try to get rid of sugar ants. You can spray vegetable oil or insecticide around your home. Also, wipe up crumbs from countertops and pantries. Cover food sources and store food in airtight containers away from moisture. If you notice colonies outside your home, you can use vinegar to ward them off. Comment below if we have missed any other effective way of getting rid of sugar ants!

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