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The 4 Best Free Travel Journal Apps to Create a Beautiful Vacation Diary


They say that writing down what you learn, think, or feel helps you remember it. Traveling is all about learning, thinking, and feeling, and these free travel journal apps make it simple to keep a trip diary that you can personalize with images and share with friends, who can play games with at https://ca.crazyvegas.com/casino-games/ or just explore the internet of games.

  1. TravelMap (Web): Simplest Way to Create a Map of Your Travel Blog

Sometimes you don’t want the complex features of an app, social news feeds, auto-tagging, and so on. Instead, you simply want to construct a map with points of interest to trace your trail, as well as images and journal entries. TravelMap is a simple and free solution.

The simplicity of this web app is its best feature. Sign up, create a mini-site with a unique address, and begin building your map. The map serves as your homepage, and you can add places by searching or clicking on place markers. You may always reorganize these, too.

Most users should be able to get by with the free version of TravelMap, which nonetheless has certain limitations. If necessary, the premium version removes all such limits. You may also view a great TravelMap demo to explore all of its features.

  1. Jauntlet (Web, Android, iOS): Journal That Looks Like a Travel Blog Timeline

The Jauntlet web and mobile apps appear archaic in comparison to the others on this list, but the end result is so amazing that it deserves a recommendation. It combines a travel journal with a travel blog, presenting your vacation in a nice timeline.

When you sign up, Jauntlet prompts you to connect your Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. This allows the app to import photos from your various profiles. When you create a new post about a city you’ve visited, include the location so it can be plotted on a map, write a journal entry about what you saw and felt, and choose images to accompany the entry. If you’re curious enough you can find out the elements common in the cities at periodic-table-of-elements.org and check them out.

The end result looks excellent. It’s a timeline of your travels, with a map to the left, the place and date at the top, and your comments and photos to the right. Viewers can leave comments under the entry. The entire thing can be played as an automatic slideshow, guiding readers through your adventure.

  1. Travel Diaries (Web, Android,iOS): Create an Actual Diary and Optionally Print It

Travel Diaries is a free app that lets you design and print a travel journal for your vacation. The app functions as a virtual open book, allowing you to compose nicely formatted entries.

You can apply one of 38 custom layouts to each page, allowing you to customize how text and graphics appear. Select and upload photographs from your camera roll based on the layout, then use the easy text editor to compose content.

Travel Diaries is not the ideal app for on-the-fly travel journaling while on the trip. It’s more of a place to reflect on your experience and create a visually appealing travel diary that you’d be glad to share with friends. If you enjoy what you’ve created, you can pay to get a PDF of the journal or have the app makers print and distribute it to you directly.

  1. Traveldays (Web): Travelogue of Photos With Location, Time, and Captions

Traveldays is one of the greatest online picture album generators for showcasing your trips and vacations. It’s quite simple to use, as it instantly converts your images into a photographic trip of your travels, similar to sharing postcards or polaroids to others.

Upload your photos in the sequence you desire, and Traveldays will use the geotagging information to pin them on a Google Map. You may also add tiny captions to each image. Simply share the link with your pals, and you’re done.