Marquee Beach Wedding

Hey there, beach-loving lovebirds! Planning a wedding is an exciting journey, and when you’re thinking of tying the knot with the sand between your toes and the waves as your soundtrack, you’re in for a truly magical experience. A marquee beach wedding is a blend of elegance and nature’s grandeur, creating a breathtaking backdrop for your special day. To make sure everything goes off without a hitch, here are five top tips to turn your beachside dream into a reality.

Tip 1: Location, Location, Location

Just like in real estate, the location of your marquee beach wedding is paramount. Choose a spot that not only speaks to your heart but also offers practical amenities. Look for a beach with easy access, ample parking, and necessary permits for hosting events. Additionally, consider the tides – you wouldn’t want your ceremony washed away by an unexpected high tide!

If possible, visit the location at different times of the day to get a feel for how the light changes and to scope out potential spots for your ceremony and reception. A beach with stunning sunset views or a serene sunrise can add an extra touch of magic to your special day.

Tip 2: Weather-Proof Your Plans

While a beach wedding offers natural beauty, it also comes with the unpredictability of weather. The sun, wind, and even a sudden rain shower can make an appearance. To ensure your day isn’t dampened by unexpected weather, consider renting a marquee or tent. This not only provides shelter but also adds a touch of elegance to your beach setup.

Opt for a marquee with open sides to let in the natural surroundings and create a seamless transition from beach to celebration. Don’t forget to secure it properly – you wouldn’t want your marquee turning into a kite!

Tip 3: Footwear Friendly

One of the unique challenges of a beach wedding is footwear. Stilettos and sand don’t mix well, and you wouldn’t want your guests sinking into the ground like they’re in quicksand. Encourage a relaxed dress code, and consider providing flip-flops or beach-friendly footwear for your guests.

For the bride and bridesmaids, consider wedges or flats that won’t have them wobbling down the aisle. Grooms and groomsmen can ditch formal shoes for comfortable loafers or even go barefoot. Remember, a comfortable guest is a happy guest!

Tip 4: Embrace the Natural Beauty

Mother Nature is your ultimate decorator for a beach wedding. Let the natural surroundings shine and complement them with minimalistic decor. Think driftwood, seashells, and soft, flowing fabrics. Opt for neutral tones that harmonize with the beachscape, and let the ocean breeze do the rest.

Candles, lanterns, or fairy lights can add a touch of romance as the sun sets. Don’t overshadow the natural beauty – instead, let it be the star of the show.

Tip 5: Plan for Practicalities

Beach Wedding

A beach wedding comes with its own set of practical considerations. Ensure you have proper permits and permissions for hosting an event on the beach. Arrange for restroom facilities if they’re not readily available. Consider the comfort of your guests – provide shade, hydration stations, and even some sunscreen if it’s a sunny day.

Have a backup plan in case of unforeseen circumstances. This could mean having a nearby indoor venue on standby or having a solid rain plan in place.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1: What permits do I need for a beach wedding?

A1: You’ll likely need permits for hosting an event on the beach, which can vary by location. Contact your local authorities or beach management for specific requirements.

Q2: How do I secure a marquee on a sandy beach?

A2: Ensure your marquee is equipped with proper anchors designed for sandy terrain. Professional tent rental companies can advise on the best anchoring methods for your specific beach.

Q3: Can I have amplified music on the beach?

A3: Check local noise ordinances and beach regulations. Some beaches have restrictions on amplified music, so consider acoustic options or consult with local authorities for guidance.

Q4: What’s the best time of day for a beach wedding?

A4: Sunrise and sunset offer stunning natural lighting for beach weddings. Consider the time that holds special significance for you and aligns with the beach’s accessibility and tides.

Q5: How can I ensure my guests are comfortable on the beach?

A5: Provide amenities like shade, hydration stations, and comfortable seating. Consider offering flip-flops or beach-friendly footwear to accommodate the sandy terrain.


A marquee beach wedding is a canvas waiting for your unique love story to be painted upon it. By choosing the right location, preparing for the elements, considering practicalities, and embracing the natural beauty, you’ll create an unforgettable day for you and your guests. So, let the waves serenade you and the sand be your dance floor – your beach wedding will be a memory etched in the sands of time. Cheers to your happily ever after!